The David Herzog Fund supports the work of scientists, students and artists with four programme tracks.
David Herzog Fund Lecture Scholarship
The DHF awards an annual David Herzog Fund Lecture Scholarship.
The aim of this scholarship is to invite Israeli or Jewish scholars from outside Israel as well as scholars who deal with topics of Jewish culture and history to hold a lecture and a workshop with students at one of the Styrian universities.
Eligible to apply: Institutes, centres, departments, chairs and rectorates of all Styrian universities are eligible to apply.
Funding amount: max. € 6,000 (the DHF only funds travel and accommodation costs)
Submission deadline: ongoing
In order to submit an application to the DHF for a David Herzog Fund Lecture, the applicant must submit the following documents to the DHF:
- Application form (completed and signed)
- Abstract suitable for publication (max. 3500 characters)
- Publishable image with secured image rights (.jpg)
- Budget
- Curriculum vitae of the applicant and the lecturer
- Description of the lecture and the workshop as well as the integration into the applicant's academic environment
All documents are to be submitted in one file
David Herzog Fund Visiting Professorship
The DHF awards an annual David Herzog Fund Visiting Professorship Scholarship.
The aim of this scholarship is to enable a visiting professorship at one of the Styrian universities for Israeli or Jewish academics outside Israel, as well as academics who deal with topics of Jewish culture and history.
The tasks of the visiting professorship consist of holding a course of up to 2 semester hours and a public lecture.
The David Herzog Fund Visiting Professor should be at the host university for at least 4 weeks (max. one semester).
Eligible to apply: Institutes, centres, departments, chairs and rectorates of all Styrian universities are eligible to apply.
Funding amount: max. € 12,000 (the DHF only funds teaching, travel and accommodation costs)
Submission deadline: ongoing
In order to submit an application to the DHF for a David Herzog Fund Visiting Professorship, the applicant must submit the following documents to the DHF:
Application form (completed and signed)
Abstract suitable for publication (max. 3500 characters)
Publishable image with secured image rights (.jpg)
Curriculum vitae of the applicant and the visiting professor
Description of the course and the lecture, as well as the integration into the academic environment of the applicant
All documents are to be submitted in one file
David Herzog Fund PostDoc Fellowship
The DHF awards Post Doc Fellowships to Israeli or Jewish scholars outside Israel, as well as scholars working on topics of Jewish culture and history, for a research stay of max. 4 months at a Styrian university.
The maximum duration of the scholarship is 4 months. Scholarship holders may not have an employment relationship at the host university during the research stay. Teaching assignments are explicitly excluded from this employment ban.
Eligible to apply: Israeli or Jewish academics outside Israel, as well as academics working on topics relating to Jewish culture and history
Funding amount: max. € 7,200 (€ 1,800 per month) plus travel expenses of max. € 850)
Submission deadline: ongoing
Application form (completed and signed)
Abstract suitable for publication (max. 3500 characters)
Publishable image with secured image rights (.jpg)
Letter of motivation
Financial plan
Curriculum vitae
2 letters of recommendation
Detailed project description with detailed timetable (max. 10 pages)
Invitation letter from the host institution
All documents must be submitted in one file
David Herzog Fund Scholarship to promote student mobility and for scientific and artistic projects
The David Herzog Fund Scholarship for the Promotion of Student Mobility and for Academic and Artistic Projects is aimed at Israeli or Jewish students/scholars and scientists/artists outside Israel, as well as students/scholars and scientists/artists who deal with topics of Jewish culture and history, and aims to promote academic mobility and support academic projects.
The following projects are favoured for funding:
Study exchange Austria-Israel: Scholarship for studying at an Austrian or Israeli university (max. funding amount per semester: € 4,200)
Project funding: Scholarship for a scientific or artistic project in line with the objectives of the DHF (max. € 1,200 per month + travel expenses of max. € 850)
Specialised training: Completion of specialised scientific training at a steric or Israeli university. (max. € 1.200,- per month + travel expenses of max. € 850,-)
Summer schools: Academic summer schools with a clear reference to the statutes of the fund (max. € 1,200 per month + travel expenses of max. € 850)
Language courses: Language courses that are related to a scientific or artistic project. (max. € 1.200,- per month + travel expenses of max. € 850,-)
Application form (completed and signed)
Abstract suitable for publication (max. 3500 characters)
Publishable image with secured image rights (.jpg)
Letter of motivation
Financial plan
Curriculum vitae
2 letters of recommendation
Detailed project description with detailed timetable (max. 10 pages)
For Austria-Israel study exchanges, specialised training, summer schools, a letter of invitation or confirmation of acceptance from the host institution and proof of academic success must be enclosed.
All documents must be submitted in one file
(Application form_DHF_stud.mob._name_of_applicant.pdf)